The Art of Microdosing
for Women

Unlock your true potential with an 8-week journey to profound transformation

Are you feeling overwhelmed, as if the weight of the world is squarely on your shoulders?

Do you find yourself yearning for a simpler, more meaningful existence - one that's rich with joy, connection, and a deep sense of authenticity?

If the call to rediscover the most genuine version of yourself resonates with you, you've found a sanctuary here with us.

We invite you to explore the transformative potential of microdosing through the following webinar. In just 30 minutes, we'll guide you through the myriad benefits of microdosing, introduce our unique approach, and highlight how to navigate common pitfalls. 

Additionally, we'll give you an insider's look at our signature 8-week programme designed specifically for women seeking profound change.

Pressed for time? Navigate directly to what intrigues you most:`

00:20 A warm welcome and our commitment to safety
01:45 Meet Naz and Rachel: your guides on this transformative path
03:53 Potential benefits of microdosing unpacked
08:29 Exploring the substances for microdosing and their use
11:25 Steering clear of common pitfalls and tips for successful microdosing
17:45 Embracing a woman-centred approach: why it's essential
20:56 Discover what makes our programme a beacon for women worldwide
27:50 Hear directly from our community with real stories and transformations

“I've not learned so much, or felt such a permanent change, ever.”

Embrace the transformation awaiting you with our signature 8-week group microdosing programme

Imagine finding the key to finally getting unstuck in life, by tapping into the extraordinary power of psychedelics to catalyse profound shifts within you. 

This is about using tiny doses of psychedelics to help you make big changes in your life. It’s a game-changer when it comes to creating the life you’ve been longing for - one where you:

  • Learn to say no without feeling guilty: You’ll discover how to set limits with kindness, keeping your peace of mind intact.

  • Focus on what really matters: We’ll help you shift your energy away from the small stuff to what truly makes you feel alive and fulfilled.

  • Turn your emotions into your strength: Instead of feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, you’ll learn how to understand and use them to your advantage.

  • Build stronger relationships: Create deeper and more meaningful connections with the people important to you.

  • Enjoy every moment: Learn the value of slowing down and appreciating the world around you, living a life that’s rich and full.

Why consider this programme? 

Picture yourself stepping into a version of your life where every day feels more vibrant and aligned with the essence of who you truly are. This programme is your gateway to such a transformation.

It's about peeling back the layers of routine, stress, and expectation to reveal the luminous core of your being - your true self, waiting to shine.

Imagine finding a balance so profound, it feels like coming home - a state where your actions, thoughts, and emotions are in perfect harmony with your deepest values. It's about crafting a life where balance doesn't mean compromising on what you love, but embracing it fully and without guilt.

Envision opening up more time and space in your life, where joy and meaningful experiences flow freely. We invite you to expand your capacity for happiness, to fill your days with moments that resonate deeply.

This is about transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, rediscovering the opportunity to delight in the present moment.

By the end of this programme, you’ll look in the mirror and see someone powerful, purposeful, and profoundly at peace with her path. You'll possess the clarity and confidence that comes from deep self-knowledge and understanding.

This isn't about tweaking the edges of life; it's about your evolution.

And remember, there's an unmatched beauty in a woman who steps into her power, who knows her strength, and wields it with grace and wisdom. That woman can change her world, and in doing so, inspire those around her to seek their own transformations.

By the end, you’ll find yourself with a renewed sense of power and purpose.

And there’s nothing more impressive than a woman who knows her strength and how to use it.

A wonderful experience. Life-changing in the gentlest yet most profound way. This is no quick fix, but rather a supported journey in the recovery and rediscovery of ourselves.”

Ready to transform your life?

Our next Cohort:

Welcome call May 7th, first session May 14th, running until July 2nd.

Join our live coaching sessions every Tuesday at 7pm BST.

Investment options:

  • One-time payment: £999

  • Instalment plan: 3 monthly payments of £444

Please note that space is limited in each cohort to ensure personalised attention and a supportive community atmosphere.

“The community aspect has been amazing. I really appreciated meeting online every week with my fellow microdosers and the coaches, who are knowledgeable, kind, welcoming and down to earth.”

The art of microdosing: transform your world in 8 weeks

This programme does more than introduce you to the basics of microdosing. Over the next two months, let us guide you through a profound process of self-discovery and transformation, leveraging the incredible power of your brain's neuroplasticity.

This experience is far from the usual productivity hacks or superficial changes. It's about meaningful, deep-seated growth.

Just imagine…

A life where you effortlessly balance giving with receiving, where your generosity enriches both your life and those around you, without leaving you drained. Picture yourself embracing your creative passions or business dreams with clarity and confidence, no longer sidelined by the endless demands of others.

Visualise a day where perfectionism doesn't rule your world, replaced instead by a harmonious blend of ambition and well-being. Feel the joy of connecting deeply with loved ones, knowing you've cultivated a life where stress and self-criticism have no stronghold.

Consider the power of being truly present in your own life, exploring and enhancing your well-being with intention and curiosity, free from doubt or fear of misstep.

Join an amazing group of women, each on her own path of exploration, yet united in their commitment to real transformation.

The Art of Microdosing has an impact that extends far beyond 8 weeks; it's your first step on the pathway to reclaiming what truly matters. It's about pausing the endless hustle to nurture what you deeply desire for yourself.

This isn't about doing more - it's about being more: more connected, more creative, more yourself.

Through the principles of psychedelic-assisted neuroplasticity, combined with tailored coaching and community support, we offer you a unique blend of science and soul. You'll learn to release burdens that no longer serve you, understand and appreciate your unique self, and set boundaries with compassion.

The Art of Microdosing is your call to embrace your inner strength, shape your reality, and experience life with a renewed sense of purpose and fulfilment. Join us to slow down, prioritise your needs, and live every day with intention and joy.

“The most incredible life learning I’ve ever done. I’m cautious to make the statement,  but it was life-changing - truly amazing, I loved it.”

This programme is for you if:

  • Self-love and empowerment feel like distant concepts: You're curious about embracing a life led by self-love, self-actualization, and empowerment, but aren't sure where to start.

  • You’re seeking structure and direction in your microdosing: Whether you're curious and new to the world of psychedelics or have experimented with microdosing without seeing the transformation you hoped for.

  • You acknowledge the need for profound change: You understand that the life you dream of isn't just a shift away but requires deep, foundational change - and you're searching for a supportive, nurturing environment to guide your transformation.

  • The weight of daily life leaves you feeling drained: If you're navigating through exhaustion or burnout, caught in the relentless cycle of work and responsibilities, barely finding a moment for yourself, let alone for those you love.

  • You crave simplicity and joy amidst chaos: You're yearning for a life that's less about to-do lists and more about fulfilment, peace, and genuine happiness.

  • You're tired of constantly pushing without reward: If the mantra of ‘more effort, more success’ no longer holds true for you, and you're seeking a path that values being over relentless doing.

It's time to redefine how you engage with the world and yourself.

This is your invitation to pause, breathe, and reset.

Discover how intentional, integrative microdosing, within a community of like-minded women and guided by transformational coaching, can open doors to a new way of living.

“I loved it, and would recommend it to anyone who is curious about the amazing benefits of microdosing plant medicine, especially when combined with supportive integration, integrity and a beautiful community.”

Together we will: 

Forge unbreakable boundaries

Together, we'll carve out sacred spaces for your energy, time, and emotions, ensuring you're
investing yourself in what truly nourishes your soul.

Shine light on what matters

We’ll guide you in giving your attention to what truly deserves it, helping you prioritise the important things in life. 

Simplify to magnify

By cutting through the clutter of endless tasks, we'll help you rediscover and focus on what genuinely enriches your life, ensuring your daily actions align with your deepest values.

Redefine self-care

Learn to place your needs at the forefront without an ounce of guilt. It’s not just self-care; it’s a radical act of self-love.

Trust your inner voice

Elevate your confidence in your intuition and inner wisdom, allowing them to guide you through life’s decisions with clarity and conviction.

Embrace your efforts

Transform the fear of never doing enough into an understanding that your best is more than sufficient. It's about quality, not quantity, of action.

Live authentically

We'll introduce practices that align with your true essence, supporting a lifestyle that resonates with your authentic self.

Deepen your connections

Nurture a presence that fosters stronger, more meaningful bonds with yourself and your loved ones, enriching your relationships with depth and authenticity.

Lay the groundwork for growth

Together, we’ll cultivate a fertile foundation for your continued evolution, preparing you for the next chapter of your life.

The Art of Microdosing

  • Choose the cohort that fits your schedule best:

    Early summer cohort:
    Begins May 14th and concludes on July 2nd. Our live coaching sessions will be held every Tuesday at 7pm BST.

    June cohort: dates TBC

  • Weekly live calls (60-90 mins): Dive deep into the heart of transformation with guided sessions designed to inspire and challenge you.

    Group coaching & integration: Experience the power of collective growth. Together, we'll explore the depths of change and how to seamlessly integrate these insights into your life.

    Private community access: Join a vibrant community of like-minded souls. Here, in this supportive space, you'll find encouragement, understanding, and shared wisdom.

    Guided breathwork sessions: Two live online sessions dedicated to embodiment and energetic realignment. These sessions are your pathway to inner balance and harmony.

    Inspirational resources: Gain unlimited access to our unique step-by-step programme, including a treasure chest of powerful meditations and beautiful, easy to use training materials, all designed to support you.

    Exclusive PDF workbook: This workbook is your roadmap to discovery, filled with exercises and reflections to deepen your understanding and practice.

    *Please be aware that we do not supply or provide sourcing information for psychedelics.

  • Safety and suitability are paramount. We meticulously screen all participants to ensure a harmonious fit for psychedelic exploration. This careful process guarantees the well-being and security of our community. To begin, simply fill out this application form. We'll guide you through every step, ensuring you're fully prepared for this life-altering journey.

  • Investment options:

    One-time payment: £999

    Instalment plan: 3 monthly payments of £444

    Please note that space is limited in each cohort to ensure personalised attention and a supportive community atmosphere.


  • Microdosing involves taking very small, sub-perceptual amounts of psychedelics to explore mental, emotional, and creative benefits without experiencing a full psychedelic trip. Benefits can include enhanced creativity, emotional balance, increased focus, and improved relationships.

  • This programme is tailored for women who are seeking profound personal growth, looking to balance their lives, explore their inner selves, and begin your new path of self-discovery and transformation in a supportive, female-centric community.

  • No, prior experience with psychedelics is not required. Whether you're new to psychedelics or have experimented with microdosing before, our programme is designed to guide you safely and effectively.

  • The 8-week programme includes weekly live calls, group coaching sessions, access to a private community, guided breathwork sessions, a comprehensive resource library, and a personalised workbook. Each element is designed to deeply support you and facilitate real, lasting change.

  • The investment for the programme is £999 if paid in full, or you can opt for a payment plan of 3 instalments of £444. This investment covers all aspects of the programme, including exclusive resources and personalised support.

  • Safety and suitability are our top priorities. The screening process involves completing an application form, followed by a brief assessment to ensure that the programme is a good fit for your needs and that you're ready for this type of exploration. This process helps us maintain a safe, supportive environment for all participants.

  • Please note that we do not provide or offer sourcing information for psychedelics. Our programme focuses on the integrative and supportive aspects of microdosing, emphasising safety, legality, and ethical considerations.

  • Our programme stands out due to its comprehensive approach to transformation, combining the latest insights from psychedelic science with deep personal development work. It's uniquely tailored for women, focusing on building a supportive community, fostering deep connections, and addressing the specific challenges and aspirations of women on the path to self-discovery and empowerment.

  • Yes, our programme is designed to be accessible to women globally. All live sessions are held online, and session times are chosen to accommodate various time zones as much as possible.

  • We welcome your questions and would love to hear from you! If you’re interested in our programme, we’d encourage you to apply first – you’ll find an option on our form to arrange a call. Otherwise please reach out to us directly by emailing us here, and we'll get back to you with the answers and guidance you need.

We are stardust

We are golden

And we've got to get ourselves

Back to the garden

– Joni Mitchell